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Tuesday, 18 November 2014


This review may contain spoilers!

Fury is without a doubt one of the grittiest and most disturbing depictions of war that has been released recently. I would give Fury an 8.5/10.

Fury unveils an amazingly shot and edited glimpse at the horror of warfare. One of the things that really struck me was how the camera would linger on scenes of carnage; such as a young girl hanging by the neck from a building or the treads of a tank running over a dead body. The music within this film was harrowing and really gripping; essentially the perfect score for this film. The overarcing plot itself was brilliant in that it got under your skin, it pushed you into this mindset of being so horrified and uncomfortable that watching this film unfold was a shock.

Shia LaBeouf, who played Boyd 'Bible' Swan, was a character that won you over; his faith and his deep love for his fellow soldiers made him the heart of the film. Logan Lerman, who played Norman Ellison, surprised me in this film; he went through such extreme character development and had the most disgusted reaction to the warfare going on around him that he quickly became one of the best performances in the film. Jon Bernthal, who played Grady 'Coon-Ass' Travis, was an intimidating bully who had really become a brute thanks to the war he was fighting in; a supremely well done performance.

The best performance of the film was Brad Pitt, who played Don 'Wardaddy' Collier. Pitt led this film without overshadowing but clearly excelling. He brought an intense presence with a deep tortured soul that has really shown the depths that Pitt brings to characters he plays.

The first half of this film felt like it was quite unnecessary, namely that it was crammed with content to make the film longer. In some ways this film would have flowed better with at least half an hour cut out.

Michael Pena, who played Trini 'Gordo' Garcia, was the weak link of the cast; he didn't do a very convincing time period performance nor did he seem very convincing as a soldier.

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